
For The Individual / Family

We can help protect your family’s lifestyle in the untimely event of your death with life insurance but also yours if you can’t work due to illness or injury.

We will complete an analysis with you to help you decide on appropriate levels of cover for your own situation and build a solution within the parameters of the budget available to you.

For The Self Employed / Business Owner

As you are self-employed, you do not have an employer there to support you and your family if you are unable to work, and the state does not offer you the same benefits that are available to employees either.

Your top priority at all times needs to be protecting your income if you are unable to work or in the event of your death.

We will help you quantify how much your family needs to sustain their level of lifestyle if there is sudden loss of income and then put a plan into place to protect this income.

Business Protection

If you have business partners, do you know the answer to the following questions if you or your partners died?

Would your family be able to sell your share of the business back to your business partners if anything happened to you?

Would they get a fair price for your share in the business?

How would your business survive if one of your key employees or shareholders became seriously ill or died suddenly?

If your business partners died, would their families want to take their place in the business?

Would you have sufficient cash in the business to buy their share from them?

If you do not know the answers to these questions Osborne Financial will consult on how to put in place a formal arrangement to protect your business in the event of any of your deaths.

Estate Planning

Estate planning refers to the process of passing on your estate in the most tax efficient manner possible. At Osborne Financial we can help you achieve this by planning well in advance and ensure you are availing of all available reliefs and exemptions. We want to ensure in particular that your loved ones are not going to suffer the burden of a large inheritance tax liability that they don’t have the means to pay for. We provide a free consultation in this area and offer best in class advice and solutions.

An example of one solution which has proven very popular with previous clients of ours is the use of a Whole of Life Assurance Policy (Section 72).

Section 72 provides for the exemption of the proceeds of certain qualifying life assurance policies, in so far as the proceeds are used for the payment of inheritance tax arising on the insured person’s death. These policies are taken out specifically to help pay an inheritance tax bill. When the policy pays out it itself is not liable to tax once it is used to pay the inheritance. The policies can save families untold amounts by planning in advance.

Speak to us today to see how we can help in this area!